Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thursday 26/05/2011

I was a wee late for today's lesson.. But I made it in the nick of time. Sir Rey did every lesson's warmup as usual: walking around the room pondering in our own thoughts.

Today's lesson kicked up with an Emotion Ball. Everybody has an emotion in them, the ball transitioned the emotions among each person when it was passed around. Emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, love, were passed around. In my opinion, in real life, emotions really DO pass around like that ball. For example, if I am angry, I can pass that emotion to somebody who is totally innocent, and that person becomes angry as well.

Next we were called to make a circle. Last lesson's activity was 'replayed' again; Sir Rey were to give a word, and we have to act out that word in 2 seconds or less. First activity was to act out Mud, next was a Car Accident, lastly was a Cheating Husband. Sir Rey later related on how spontaneous acts work more efficient, rather than to write a script. Spontaneous acts can make a play in less than 5 minutes, whereas writing a script will take maybe 4 weeks.

Last activity of the day, students were required to move to the center of the circle one by one, and act out something. I believe everybody really learned something about acting.. Every movement, from walking into the act to leaving the scene, is vitally important to putting on a good act. Personally, I've acquired new information today. "You don't have put in too much to make a good act. The lesser you try, the better the show."

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