Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tuesday 31/5/2011

Today I was kinda late. Warning from Mr. Rey.. 1 minute late was late. Discipline was hard.


Kick off lesson with the Emotion Ball. It was light, heavy, hot, cold, electrifying, love, and sweet. I learnt it was putting life into the ball. I forgot what was the term to describe 'adding life into the ball'.. Whilst passing the ball to somebody else, it is also transferring the emotion to another person.
Personal Comments: Just another warmup.

Placing some blocks around the room once more, we are called to run around and touch blocks as we past them. When Mr. Rey called for stop, each person must do an interesting stationary position on the closest block. Then he called for 2 people on a block. Oh damn, split second synchonization was needed for 2 people to create a connection to do a pose on a block. I thought this was honestly fun.
Personal comments: Indifferent.

Going on to the final lesson of the day: A scene in the Women's Clothes Department Store. Each person has to walk in a imaginary door, and browse around in the 'store', till the payout at the cashier. We have done the first play ever in THTR101.
Personal comments: First play was well done. Nice rep.

Summary of lesson: --> I learnt the most with the Women's Department play. Acting out in serious motion was intriguing.

I wasn't quite in the mood that day. I have no idea why..

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