Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today, was our big day. It all came down today. The final exam, the last play, the last act we put all our sweat and effort into it. When everything was over, nostalgia took over me.

I won't beat around the bush, I am really satisfied with the last performance. Everything was ready, everything was good to go. We came a long way from start, I've seen transformation in 2 particular members of the group which went through significant changes, and it was remarkable.

The whole team finally came nicely together, as in the skid and chronology. I personally think that we've all improved in our individual ways, thanks to the guidance of Mr. Rey, the best theatre lecturer. Wise in his ways, he led us to learn many things indirectly. And I have to admit, he takes theatre to another level, one that really brings out the inner personalities in people.

The course is finally over. I have but a few last words to say. Thank you Mr. Rey for your teachings, it led me to be a better person. You'll create future actors, and craft them perfectly. You're a great lecturer and a lecturer advisor. Stay awesome.

Yours truly, signing out -

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Story #4: Bad habits - Foul languages

I will speak this out clear. I have this issue myself. Sometimes unexpectedly, a word or 2 belonging to the vulgar category would pop up. It has a really long term adverse effect, and im paying the price of it.

Vulgarities is one way to express yourself in terms of anger, happiness, sadness or excitement. But overusage of it really costs someone dearly. I lost many friends. In the beginning I thought that spitting vulgar words was a form of being cool, damn I was so wrong.

I notice sometimes when I blow a vulgar word, the group of friends would turn silent, or stare at the ground. I hadn't notice it until recently. Then when i asked a close friend of mine what was happening, they said it was because of me.

Shit, I really fucking regret vulgar word abuse. I have given a good example, and hopefully nobody follows in my footsteps :).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Story #3: Bad habits - Smoking

This here is one bad habit that really should be taken into consideration. It is something observed outside of me, yet the harm in it subdues me sometimes.

Smoking is considered one of many bad habits ever to be practiced. I learnt that the price to pay for is very high, the cost is death. My grandfather died recently because of lung cancer. He smokes 3 packets of cigarettes a day during his time. He died younger than my maternal grandfather, who is currently older and much fitter than him because he smokes less.

Another incidence is that of my friend. I try to talk him out of smoking, but to no avail. He says smoking is to relieve stress, depression, loneliness and such. But in my personal opinion, smoking itself worsens the effects of stress and depression a lot more than it helps.

This habit not only endangers the smoker's life, but also to people around it. It is very serious, and must be put to a stop at once.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Story #2: Bad habits - Procrastination

There is this boy, who loves to leave things to the last minute. Every single time he is given something to do, he will put it off and leave it to the next time.

Procrastination, is a really serious bad habit. Homeworks, house chores, are all left till the last minute. The parents really couldn't stand that boy's attitude.

There was once where this boy's exam was approaching, he didn't study till 1 day before the exam, and his results he got were terrible.

Procrastination may endanger somebody else too. If a job was assigned to you, that involves other people, if you didn't play your part, the whole team is in jeopardy.

Never put something off when something can be done today...