Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today, was our big day. It all came down today. The final exam, the last play, the last act we put all our sweat and effort into it. When everything was over, nostalgia took over me.

I won't beat around the bush, I am really satisfied with the last performance. Everything was ready, everything was good to go. We came a long way from start, I've seen transformation in 2 particular members of the group which went through significant changes, and it was remarkable.

The whole team finally came nicely together, as in the skid and chronology. I personally think that we've all improved in our individual ways, thanks to the guidance of Mr. Rey, the best theatre lecturer. Wise in his ways, he led us to learn many things indirectly. And I have to admit, he takes theatre to another level, one that really brings out the inner personalities in people.

The course is finally over. I have but a few last words to say. Thank you Mr. Rey for your teachings, it led me to be a better person. You'll create future actors, and craft them perfectly. You're a great lecturer and a lecturer advisor. Stay awesome.

Yours truly, signing out -

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