Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Story #4: Bad habits - Foul languages

I will speak this out clear. I have this issue myself. Sometimes unexpectedly, a word or 2 belonging to the vulgar category would pop up. It has a really long term adverse effect, and im paying the price of it.

Vulgarities is one way to express yourself in terms of anger, happiness, sadness or excitement. But overusage of it really costs someone dearly. I lost many friends. In the beginning I thought that spitting vulgar words was a form of being cool, damn I was so wrong.

I notice sometimes when I blow a vulgar word, the group of friends would turn silent, or stare at the ground. I hadn't notice it until recently. Then when i asked a close friend of mine what was happening, they said it was because of me.

Shit, I really fucking regret vulgar word abuse. I have given a good example, and hopefully nobody follows in my footsteps :).

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