Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Story #1: Bad habits - Nail biting

I will start of with a story. A group of pixies once threw a party to their human friends. 3 boys were invited. The first boy was served marshmellows. He was overjoyed because it was his favourite food. The second boy was served roast chicken, similar to the first boy, he was overjoyed. But the third boy was served with different types of nails and screws. He was confused and he asked the pixies why, the pixies just replied, because I saw you biting your finger nails every day.

Most people have this bad habit but hardly any admit it. Biting nails is like a disease. I once knew that biting nails was a bad habit, but people around were doing it unintentionally.

I observed that people tend to bite their nails and spit it out everywhere, or worse, swallow it. But honestly I do not know what is so bad about it, because nails are calcium, we're just consuming the calcium back.

Nevertheless, everybody categorized it as a bad habit, therefore I just followed the flow. Another example was that I witnessed a boy once bit his nails, and spitted it out into the food in front of him during mealtime. I could see the shock in the parent's eyes, but they suppressed it really well. But the boy felt perfectly normal about it.

As another example, I noticed friends around biting nails especially during examination. It is a sign of nervousness. Biting nails obviously is a trend, a habit, and should be avoided being done in public.

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