Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thursday 2/06/2011

Today's entire lesson was really different, and it really caught my attention.

I was sleepy, but Mr. Rey kicked off today's lesson with a different twist: Meditation. This is my first time doing meditation in my life. From the toe tip, up to the ankles, up to the knees, butt cheeks, belly, chest, neck, head, face, and even hair.
Personal comments: When lying down on floor to meditate, I slept. So peaceful.

The Emotion Ball was next again. I guess not much is needed to explain about it again.
Personal comments: Indifferent.

Next, the we have to 'give life' to the floor. Damn it I keep forgetting the term for it. If it was hot, we jumped about and make faces. Sounds included. Same goes for it being sharp and muddy. I realised something here. Different people react differently to the floor. I thought it was all the same. I remember playing in the mud, when mother called to return home, react to the shock on her face, and we froze......
Personal comments: Indulging in what we're doing really does put us into that position well.

Took a break, I went to a corner myself. I did some quiet time...I needed it.

Later we had a 'tug of war'. In this case we had to imagine ourselves doing the tugging and everybody wanted to win. But in truth this imaginary 'tug of war' wasn't as easy as it seemed. To make it look realistic, both parties have to give and take. Again this is a form of chemistry. When one side opens the opportunity to the other, immediately the other party should be aware of the opening and grasp the moment to immediately respond to it.
Personal comments: This was a really beneficial exercise. A good form of telepathic communication training.

Final lesson of the day: Mirrors. This is something new. So we formed groups of 2. Facing one another, one will lead, the other will follow, just like a mirror. Is there anything more to elaborate about it? Oh yes there is. Sir Rey wanted us to do it in such a way that he couldn't tell who was leading and who was following. As time pass, we grew more comfortable with each other's movements, and there it starts to become fun.
Personal comments: I always love something new. This is extremely fun.

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