Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thursday 9/06/2011

# I got screwed by Mr. Rey for not keeping my journal up-to-date. Truth is I was super busy, with a lot of outstanding assignments to complete..

#another note, I missed Tuesday's class, because I was away at camp. Not that I wanted it. But it just adds more stress to myself.

Walked around the room to delve into thoughts again, I needed to shake up my whole body to relax myself. I had a really stressful week..

Today's first lesson was last week's final lesson lol. Mirrors. This time with a little twist. All I could remember was the Chorus and Shadow.. I really feel myself having fun doing mirrors. That's all I can say about it.
Personal Comments: I still love it.

Groups of 2 are formed. I have no idea why at first, till suddenly Mr. Rey turned on the music. One person has to do an action, the other person has to react. Still somehow in the form of a mirror. The music somehow provides us the feeling and mood. Later Mr. Rey merged 2 groups of each together, forming 4 people in a group. 2 leads, 2 follows. 1 lead, 3 follows. 3 lead, 1 follow. Wow at the spontaneous positions everybody can think of. Indeed.
Personal Comments: This was the start of an Abstract Piece. It feels, intriguing.

Mm, watermelon. Yea it was a hot day, had to imagine it was hot. An imaginary watermelon lies in front of us. Grabbed a knife, cut it with style, picked up a piece, and share it with your partner.
And suddenly, Mr. Rey asked us all to spit watermelon seeds at our partners! Spitting was fun. Imagining the projectiles flying at your body, face and head, and reacting to it. Hence we learned: Proxy.
Personal Comments: The word proxy made me remember the OTHER word. It was Spotting.

Overall Summary: Today's lessons really geared us up for more acting. I feel as we're getting more prepared for the mid term exam. I'm all a tingle to know what's coming up soon.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments, as far as they go, are very good. You observe yourself clearly and honestly. However, many are missing and there are NO entries from outside class. This will result in a low grade.
